GENRE: METALCORE TRACKLIST 1. LIAR. (INTRO) 2. Warcry (The Rebuild) 3. Unforeseen Consequences 4. Going In Yelling (XxEmoAsFckxX Cover) 5. Our Best Mistake Yet... 6. ..and In the Box (INTERLUDE) 7. No Surrender! 8. CLUSTERFUCK [2.0] 9. Chaos Theory for Beginners 1.0. Remembrance of Things Past 11. put that title up one more time, and I’ll put up my entire career Bonus Material inside too!
Bloodshot consists of 4 members, Shawn Anderson (Bassist & Frontman), Matty Drew (Lead Guitarist & Backup Vocalist), Jack Kelsey (Rhythm Guitarist) & David Taylor (Drummer) Randy: Well guys, been a year since you’ve joined us! How’s it been so far? We know earlier this year it was a bit rocky but I’ve heard you guys have made good progress with your new drummer! Shawn: That’s right man, Honestly the reception to that first EP was nuts! I cannot believe we’ve already gotten a platinum record! It's crazy! Matty: It’s fuckin’ sweet that’s what it is! Shawn: Haha. Honestly I just need to thank everyone who got the EP! The reception we’ve gotten as a band has been great! It was an honor touring with FC last summer! Jack: Even if a few things might’ve happened. Shawn: Yeeaaahhhhh.. Really sweet of Tyler to come down and help finish our dates though! Randy: Speaking of “a few things” What happened exactly with your former drummer K- Shawn: Long story- Long Longgg Story. Still can't get over it.. David: I remember the first story you guys told me when I joined was about that day.. You guys left him out in Virginia mid tour! Jack: Ehh. Well dude deserved it! Lucky I knew better than to break his jaw right there! Matty: He uhh.. Always kind of gave me the creeps. Shawn: Shit- Anyway, next question? Randy: My fault kid, so what's up with the band? Before his. Fuck- “departure” Ill call it for the lawyers. You guys were working on an LP, I heard that’s still in production? Shawn: Damn right it is! Well, a bit of a fresh coat of paint though. Randy: Literally, You four spent that budget so fast we had to get a new photographer! Damn kids and their hair spray. Matty: Haha, I'm excited for this album. Working on it nonstop has me exhausted! Jack: Honestly, I’d say it’s almost out the gate! Shawn: That's true, our main issue was re-recording our drum tracks that we had from.. Before, other than that we got back to work for the rest of the year! Randy: That’s good to know kids! Shawn: Honestly fuck it I think it’s save to announce it here, our First LP is coming out pretty soon by the time this gets released! Randy: What are you four calling it? Shawn: “Our Best Mistake Yet..”! Bit of a double meaning. After all that money on the company card was spent it's a bit of a coin flip. Do we make it back or nah? Haha. Matty: I love the album cover, Shawn rolling on a craps table. How fitting with how much we’ve spent? Jack: Hey, we had to sneak that photo in fast! David: It came out pretty good though I’m really excited to show everyone! Shawn: Haha, I’ll make sure to email some promotional stuff that the new guy took and clipped together. Mondo’s his name I think? Mando? Fuck can’t even remember haha! Matty: Heard the guys starting to get stuff done for other bands too! Can’t wait to see it! Randy: Haha with that said I think that's good boys! Thanks for coming down here. Can’t wait to see this album drop! Shawn: Thanks man! It’s an honor to come down here, we can’t wait to show you guys what we’ve worked on this past year! Be sure to grab their new album coming out this weekend and check out their previous EP if you haven't. Get to know more about the band on their Band Page, linked below.
Dark Thoughts is in the office today, here to answer some questions. Be sure to check out their latest release ANGEL, now available on POM RECORDS! Q: Welcome to the label Dark Thoughts! I know there was a few issues with the contract, which is why it wasn't officially announced when signed. BUTTTT.... now you're signed, on the label and on the site. How does it feel? A: I'm very happy with everything! I feel happier now because people get to know more about us. Q: You guys recently came out with your official big release on POM Records, ANGEL. Tell us more about it. What should new listeners expect? A: A magical but heavy album. It's a bit like TX2 because I tried to throw a lot of Emo stuff in it. There's also a lot of stuff like Angels singing. It's a super hard album. Q: What if any were any changes or challenges on Angel from the previous releases? A: The previous album (Hurting Feelings) I just started and just let riffs run. Here I tried to make it more like riffs running through each other and use more rhythm riffs. I also tried to mix Prog Metal in by changing drum riffs all the time. Q: Looking back at Hurting Feelings, which is what got POM Records attention, how do you feel about the fan reception? You guys put out a DELUXE version as well. Did it help motivate you guys to put out Angel? Seems like a lot of people liked what Dark Thoughts was putting out. A: The fans wanted more Heavy stuff and more and the fans wanted more of Hurting Feelings but more pro. So that's why we released a Deluxe and fans wanted more Metalcore and more Heavy And we listened so we didn't really feel like it but ultimately we did because fans were mad that it was taking so long so we wanted to make our fans happy and we wanted to make ourselves happy! Q: What's the music scene like in Europe? Are you guys going to tour in the States? Or anywhere else? A: We now travel more to the Netherlands because we live there of course and people hear more about us. We are very popular in Friesland and Groningen and people in Sweden and Germany want us to Come there more often. Q: What's next for the band? A: Is big coming in the summer or fall. We're not going to say what yet but something REEEEEEELLL big is coming! Q: What message would you like to leave for the fans, new and old? A: Keep rocking to our music and chase your dreams. That's what I've managed to do as a drummer!- Bowen (Drummer) Thank you! Check out more from the band on their band page below!
Volume 2 of the POM COM community compilation is up on BANDCAMP now and soon on Spotify! Thanks to MP & Beau for putting this together and all the bands that submitted! It's FREEEEEE but donations welcome! The album features several POM Records signed artists!
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you to everyone that is out their still pushing their creativity, creating fun, awesome and/or cathartic things, following their dreams & passions, whether making tunes in their bedroom or playing on a big stage, something real or something fictional, enjoying something alone or with others, picking up POM or an instrument for the first time or a veteran with major skills; thank you for sticking around.
I believe this year will be the year of BAND-O-MATIC (aka POM Pro, POM 3). -- CheapSushi |
A Punk-o-Matic Community Project based off a Flash game by Evil Dog Games
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January 2025