Bloodshot consists of 4 members, Shawn Anderson (Bassist & Frontman), Matty Drew (Lead Guitarist & Backup Vocalist), Jack Kelsey (Rhythm Guitarist) & David Taylor (Drummer) Randy: Well guys, been a year since you’ve joined us! How’s it been so far? We know earlier this year it was a bit rocky but I’ve heard you guys have made good progress with your new drummer! Shawn: That’s right man, Honestly the reception to that first EP was nuts! I cannot believe we’ve already gotten a platinum record! It's crazy! Matty: It’s fuckin’ sweet that’s what it is! Shawn: Haha. Honestly I just need to thank everyone who got the EP! The reception we’ve gotten as a band has been great! It was an honor touring with FC last summer! Jack: Even if a few things might’ve happened. Shawn: Yeeaaahhhhh.. Really sweet of Tyler to come down and help finish our dates though! Randy: Speaking of “a few things” What happened exactly with your former drummer K- Shawn: Long story- Long Longgg Story. Still can't get over it.. David: I remember the first story you guys told me when I joined was about that day.. You guys left him out in Virginia mid tour! Jack: Ehh. Well dude deserved it! Lucky I knew better than to break his jaw right there! Matty: He uhh.. Always kind of gave me the creeps. Shawn: Shit- Anyway, next question? Randy: My fault kid, so what's up with the band? Before his. Fuck- “departure” Ill call it for the lawyers. You guys were working on an LP, I heard that’s still in production? Shawn: Damn right it is! Well, a bit of a fresh coat of paint though. Randy: Literally, You four spent that budget so fast we had to get a new photographer! Damn kids and their hair spray. Matty: Haha, I'm excited for this album. Working on it nonstop has me exhausted! Jack: Honestly, I’d say it’s almost out the gate! Shawn: That's true, our main issue was re-recording our drum tracks that we had from.. Before, other than that we got back to work for the rest of the year! Randy: That’s good to know kids! Shawn: Honestly fuck it I think it’s save to announce it here, our First LP is coming out pretty soon by the time this gets released! Randy: What are you four calling it? Shawn: “Our Best Mistake Yet..”! Bit of a double meaning. After all that money on the company card was spent it's a bit of a coin flip. Do we make it back or nah? Haha. Matty: I love the album cover, Shawn rolling on a craps table. How fitting with how much we’ve spent? Jack: Hey, we had to sneak that photo in fast! David: It came out pretty good though I’m really excited to show everyone! Shawn: Haha, I’ll make sure to email some promotional stuff that the new guy took and clipped together. Mondo’s his name I think? Mando? Fuck can’t even remember haha! Matty: Heard the guys starting to get stuff done for other bands too! Can’t wait to see it! Randy: Haha with that said I think that's good boys! Thanks for coming down here. Can’t wait to see this album drop! Shawn: Thanks man! It’s an honor to come down here, we can’t wait to show you guys what we’ve worked on this past year! Be sure to grab their new album coming out this weekend and check out their previous EP if you haven't. Get to know more about the band on their Band Page, linked below.
Dark Thoughts is in the office today, here to answer some questions. Be sure to check out their latest release ANGEL, now available on POM RECORDS! Q: Welcome to the label Dark Thoughts! I know there was a few issues with the contract, which is why it wasn't officially announced when signed. BUTTTT.... now you're signed, on the label and on the site. How does it feel? A: I'm very happy with everything! I feel happier now because people get to know more about us. Q: You guys recently came out with your official big release on POM Records, ANGEL. Tell us more about it. What should new listeners expect? A: A magical but heavy album. It's a bit like TX2 because I tried to throw a lot of Emo stuff in it. There's also a lot of stuff like Angels singing. It's a super hard album. Q: What if any were any changes or challenges on Angel from the previous releases? A: The previous album (Hurting Feelings) I just started and just let riffs run. Here I tried to make it more like riffs running through each other and use more rhythm riffs. I also tried to mix Prog Metal in by changing drum riffs all the time. Q: Looking back at Hurting Feelings, which is what got POM Records attention, how do you feel about the fan reception? You guys put out a DELUXE version as well. Did it help motivate you guys to put out Angel? Seems like a lot of people liked what Dark Thoughts was putting out. A: The fans wanted more Heavy stuff and more and the fans wanted more of Hurting Feelings but more pro. So that's why we released a Deluxe and fans wanted more Metalcore and more Heavy And we listened so we didn't really feel like it but ultimately we did because fans were mad that it was taking so long so we wanted to make our fans happy and we wanted to make ourselves happy! Q: What's the music scene like in Europe? Are you guys going to tour in the States? Or anywhere else? A: We now travel more to the Netherlands because we live there of course and people hear more about us. We are very popular in Friesland and Groningen and people in Sweden and Germany want us to Come there more often. Q: What's next for the band? A: Is big coming in the summer or fall. We're not going to say what yet but something REEEEEEELLL big is coming! Q: What message would you like to leave for the fans, new and old? A: Keep rocking to our music and chase your dreams. That's what I've managed to do as a drummer!- Bowen (Drummer) Thank you! Check out more from the band on their band page below!
The band came to the office and had a quick chat with Randy. Here's what they had to say about their release. Here's some interesting facts about each song on the Saturday Mourning EP: Blurred Reality is the only song on the entire EP to use specials. Furthermore, it's the first time in a League song that a breakdown wasn't used as a bridge. The Wrath of a Broken Man was almost never a finished song, as I almost released the song without it having a conclusion. Begging is the first song in the history of the band to not have a breakdown, rather opting for a standard bridge. Gone was the first song written for the EP, so it was the first ever League song to utilize panic chords. The Other Side has one of the few League breakdowns that doesn't go into halftime. Go and buy it now!
White Splash has a new announcement for fans! However, they also accepted an interview with POM Records about the band's latest album, Oblivion!
Randy: Very well, how did the idea of making the album come about? Eric: This was an idea that came up with Jonathan, we had just made an album and we knew we needed to make another one, Jonathan said that he had some guitar lines that he usually played when he was alone and he decided to show it to the band, over time, We gave several ideas and bammm, the Album came about. Randy: You guys always seem to be very united when it comes to making a new EP or LP, but it's interesting to see that you added a Cover to the Tracklist, what was the reason for doing that? Robert: Rebirth is one of the most famous songs that the POM Community knows, but we always thought it was too short, So, we started working on a cover of it, but extended and with many new parts, After we finished, the result was so good that we agreed to put the Cover on the Oblivion album. Randy: Your guys cover really turned out great, but about "She is a Beauty 2", did you guys have the idea of doing a new version of it? Jonathan: Actually Randy, It's a totally different song but following the style of the original "She is a Beauty", I wanted to do something special for the fans and the other members, they accepted my idea of doing something like that, So, the result came out as We hoped it would come out. Randy: Still about "She is a Beauty", do you plan on making a third song in the same style? Jonathan: Like a trilogy? Who knows, haha! Randy: Okay, last question, what will be the band's next project? Jonathan: This is still a mystery even for us, Eric wants to make an EP in honor of the Ramones, Cliff wants to make a Ska Single, Robert, well, wants to abuse the Double Pedal in a new Single, haha! But as for me, I want to make a completely acoustic single, whether it be a cover or not. Randy: I'm sure that whatever your project is, it will turn out well! The label is looking forward to more releases. Jonathan: Thank you, 2024 is going to be a very productive year for us, Ah, a little announcement to the fans, Keep an eye on the Los Angeles metal scene, Eric and I found something that might catch your attention! Check out White Splash's Oblivion album and the rest of their discography on their band page!TRANSILVANIA - Transylvania's music scene is rocked by shocking tragedy and intrigue as a conspiracy involving members of rival band Öt Vonal (Five Lines) is revealed in the brutal murder of MentalTea bassist Inka Pál. Each member of Öt Vonal now faces different implications in this case that shakes the structures of local music. Father's admission of guilt: Inka Ferenc, Inka Pál's father, admitted during police questioning to murdering his own son with three stab wounds to the chest. The authorities continue to investigate the motives behind this horrifying act. Statements from the band Öt Vonal (Five Lines)
Gyors Ibolya (Guitarist): Gyors Ibolya admitted to hiring Inka Pál's father to commit the crime, claiming that other members of Öt Vonal were also involved. His confession sheds light on dark rivalries between the bands. Gerebenes Lajos (Bassist): Öt Vonal's bassist, Gerebenes Lajos, provided a convincing alibi, claiming that he was not in the country when the murder took place. The authorities are checking this information to confirm his innocence. Okos Kinga (Vocalist): Surprisingly, Öt Vonal's vocalist Okos Kinga has admitted to taking part in the crime, but claims not to have been directly involved. Her confession further complicates the investigation. The band MentalTea issued a statement in response to the revelations. |
Randy: It’s been over half a year since you’ve been signed! How has your time on the label been? Chris: It’s been great! Everyone’s been really nice, and to be here alongside so many other great bands has been amazing. Lincoln: “Other great bands”? Are you calling us great? *The band laughs* |
Randy: Don’t worry, they try to screw everyone over. I only get paid a pack of cigs for this interview. Anyways, in the time you’ve been here, you’ve reached two Bronze Stars! How does it feel?
Park: Pretty good! They’re no platinum stars, but I guess they’ll do for now.
Chris: Hey, I’m just happy people are listening to them at all. When we released Still Standing, I didn’t really expect anyone would want to listen to it. So to get any kind of certification was great news to me.
Randy: How do you feel about your releases so far? Is there anything in particular that stands out to you? Anything you wish you could change?
Dennis: I’d say we all kind of have varying feelings about things, but I think we all more or less agree that Break Away has been a great creative success for all of us.
*The band all nods their heads*
Chris: Personally, I really like my performance on “The Badlands”, but overall I think our latest album has been a huge upgrade in terms of sound.
Lincoln: One thing in particular I really liked was the transition from “Break Away” to “Taking a Stand”. It plays out as one long song, and I really like that kind of shit.
Park: I just like Break Away because I get to play more lead guitar parts.
*The rest of the band chuckles*
Park: No, seriously! It’s so much more fun to play. Especially just the opening song, where we play harmonies together? That’s my favourite part of the album.
Randy: Are there any changes going on with the band that we should know about?
Chris: Not really. I have been experimenting with my hair style, but other than that the band’s stayed pretty consistent. I’m probably going to change it back, red’s not really my colour to be honest.
Park: We have been looking for a vocalist, though. We want to add vocals to our song, but can’t seem to find any fits for the band. It turns out almost all vocalists are assholes, and we’ve only got room for one of those in our band.
Dennis: And I’ll have you know that I happily fill that spot!
*Everyone laughs*
Park: I was actually referring to Chris, but that works too.
Chris: I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that. Anyways, as of right now there’s been nothing to really write home about. I might end up singing if the search goes on long enough, as I used to do lead vocals when we played covers, but I don’t really want to. I guess we’ll see how things go.
Randy: Do you have any plans for 2024? Any new music for us?
Chris: We have some big plans for our next album. Most of it’s already done, so it won’t be much longer until it comes out. And I think it’s safe to say this is our best one yet.
Park: Oh, absolutely. It’s going to be an ambitious album with little experiments in a wide variety of genres; some pop-punk, heavy metal, emo, even a ska song at some point.
Chris: We were trying to think of a name for it, but nothing we could come up with felt like it would fit with the album. So we just decided to make it a self-titled album instead. Waaay easier than coming up with a meaningful name.
Dennis: And to the members of Plain Front, we had that idea before you announced your album, okay?
*Everyone laughs*
Chris: But yeah, it’s almost ready for release. We even have the album cover ready, which I emailed you if you want to put it in the blog post.
Randy: Well I guess I should try and find the password to that then. Thanks to Call of the Void for being here, and be sure to keep an eye out for their next release! ...time for me to chain smoke that pack of cigs and ruminate about my life choices. Bye all.

Randy: Hey guys from MentalTea, welcome to the studio today. I see that you guys are releasing a single, Overflow, which is exciting. Your debut on the label, 'Visszhang' has been doing well too and a lot of people were talking about the band. How has it been since joining POM Records and releasing your music? Band: We are thrilled with our time here at POM Records and in the studios, and we are very happy with how our debut album did. |
Band: It started in 2021 with the brothers, who where always out just listening to other local band. And that is how they picked the bassist and the old guy. Though they officially united in 2023, recording the first two records with a local studio.
Randy: Now that the single Overflow is out, what are the next plans for the band?
Band: We really want to keep pushing as much content as we can, there are tours in mind, I shouldn't say this but we are working on our biggest project yet, that is why we made "Overflow" to see what people react to the new sound we are trying to achieve. Hopefully we don't need a lineup change.
Randy: Where did the band name come from, by the way?
Band: The name was just a joke at first, as all of the guys like mint tea, and they thought that it sounded like metal tea, so that is how they got the name.
Randy: Any message to the new fans out there?
Band: We really hope that you're satisfied with our performance, and we provide enough content. We hope to make this year as interesting as we can. We hope you guys like it, and rock it! Thank you very much!

Randy: Yo, what the heck is up with Objctve? We've been waiting for some new bangers since the Split EP with Alcateia. What happened to Loathe Malevolence? Was that scrapped? Band: Well, we have already finished making loathe malevolence but at the time that we did we just felt like it wasn't right. It's not scrapped, just lying around in our demotapes at the moment. |
Band: Hell yeah, the albums have sold very very well! Thanks to everyone for it too! Though well, I'll admit our last piece of work was pretty ass -atleast when compared to our upcoming album- and there is surely a heck of alot more to prove!
Randy: What can fans expect to hear from the band? And when?
Band: Well, expect to hear some post hardcore tunes from us in the future! Though we can't give any dates since every time we do we end up missing it.
Randy: How do you guys feel about the POM Records Community Awards results?
Band: We didn't really check. Can guess we got the reward for being the worst band on the record though!
Randy: Any plans for more collaborations, like with Alacteia or others?
Band: We had some ideas but after doing the split with Alcateia we realized that it's just very tedious and it was putting unnecessary pressure on us to get things done. So basically: until another band approaches us themselves and asks for a split then it might be possible.
Randy: What would you like to say to your fans? Any message?
Band: Fuckin- Rock on you sick motherfuckers! Happy New Year and try to keep on living until the next one!
Randy: Aren't you forgetting something?
Band: Oh- yeah! We have out next album underway, (for real this time!) "Reality Begins Where Our Imagination Ends"! It'll be consisting of 9-10 tracks and will be our best release yet! Get ready folks, cause OBJCTVE is coming back!
Randy: Well there ya go. If you're a fan of this band, keep a look out for their next release coming soon. Thanks for the chat.
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