Suicide By Spoon is BACK! You heard that right! They are active again and working on new material! SBS was a monumental & influential band from the early days, and the 2nd band to join POM Records! Plus the Community Awards 2023 proved they are one of the most favorite bands on the label! Just to remind everyone else why they're icons, their playthrough of their song Smiling Through Broken Teeth is up on Youtube!
GENRE: POST-HARDCORETRACKLIST 1. Tribute White Splash releases their awesome tribute song to one of the most influential and iconic bands that started the scene and one of the foundational bands of the label, SUICIDE BY SPOON. White Splash members first discovered the band here on POM Records and were enamored. So check out their release! "Suicide By Spoon, wow, I met this band through my brother Eric, I don't even know what to say about their songs, They follow the style that White Splash wants to try to follow, however, it's not easy to do something like they do, Even So, the band members and I decided to do a Tribute to Suicide By Spoon, trying to make a song in their style! I hope you like it! Oh, and if you guys from Suicide By Spoon are watching this, what do you think about us hanging out one day? to drink a little and maybe create some songs? A trip to Canada doesn't seem like a bad idea, Haha!" - Jonathan Williams GENRE: POST-HARDCORE
Suicide By Spoon's Second Single featuring crowd favorite "Just Let it Rain" as well as a second track, Bittersweet, featuring the solo guitarist known only as Zarpa_perras. Will there be more collaborations between the two? Who knows...
A Punk-o-Matic Community Project based off a Flash game by Evil Dog Games
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