Randy (POM Records): Where the hell have you guys been? Derek (drummer): Let's just say an extra long holiday! We had no idea what to do next after Fight Back, especially considering it took a lot out of us. All our best work, not something just to get sales, something to really make an impact on our fans. Randy: So what is Evolution? How has the band progressed? Derek: Evolution is basically just showing how we've progressed in the music world. The tracks some of our fans won't recognize are songs we wrote before signing onto this record label. We felt that our community would want to see who we were before our big releases. Hello Good Times of Old was written at least 5 months before our first release here, as was Peasant. That Bitter Taste a few will recognize, personally my favorite song because I get some awesome stuff to back, as it's our latest addition. The band certainly has progressed, even Haza will say that! You can see that in the music, I don't need to tell newcomers to our band that. Randy: The album contains three new tracks and three previous ones. How did you decide on which three previous to put in? Derek: This wasn't massively my decision, Haza had the last word. But I think he made a good choice. He chose three of our best, voted by the fans, and had a look over three older songs. He chose three songs that not many people had heard, that our fans hadn't seen yet. They show how much we've come along! It's funny because back then, we thought the songs we wrote then were the best we'd ever write. But a few months down the line, we're writing big hitters that bring in more and more fans every week. Randy: When putting together the three new tracks (Hello Good Times of Old, Peasant & The Bitter Taste), what was going through your minds? What did you guys want to show your fans regarding your Evolution? Derek: What we wanted, was to show how much can change when you put your mind to it. Back then, when we were a mere small-town band, we thought we'd never get up there, never be like Spanky Revolution, never be like 1st Assault. Those guys are our heroes man, serious. And to be mentioned in the same breath as them, that's an honor. We just wanted to reveal our journey here. Randy: The albums Fight Back and Light's Absence were released in the Fall of 2012. How do guys feel about their chart status? Are you guys happy with your previous albums and how they've done? Derek: Fight Back is certainly one of our highlights so far. At the current moment, 23 downloads is amazing for us. The lower downloads on our previous releases just show how far we've come. Sure, we'd like more. Faceless Culture are sure getting there, but we just don't want to go down that route, the mainstream heavy metal route. Their music is good, very good in fact, but we don't want to become that kind of band. Lee said one time that "When everyone's heads go down, we want to be that band people fall to". Positivity is what we strive for. Randy: So now that Evolution is on the label. What are your plans? Any tours or promotional events? or are you guys going to play it smooth, stay unseen and some time later release some more awesome tracks? Derek: We don't really know at this time. I think Haza had some idea of inviting some bands from here to a one night only event, but apart from that we will stay in the shadows. The Night Before may leap out occasionally so look out for that! Personally, we probably won't release anything big anytime soon here, but hey, we're gonna try, get out there, for the fans, for us, for music. Here's to Evolution. Note: Haza is the bands manager
GENRE: CLASSIC ROCK / PUNKTracklist 1. Hello Good Times of Old
2. Peasant 3. Journey of a Passenger 4. Fight Back 5. Fun and Games 6. That Bitter Taste Reporter: So, Lee - lead guitarist for one of the less known punk bands out there who still manage to make a profit in today's modern musical world. Let's start with your latest release, Fight Back. Already getting sales within the first days of release. How do you feel about that? Lee: I'm certainly glad that we are actually getting sales. It means we're getting listened to and people are enjoying our music. That's all we can ever ask for. That's the reason we even entered this business anyway - we wanted our music to be heard by everyone with our interests. If people don't like our stuff, that's fine. We're not everyone's favourite. But we want to be that band that when you turn on the radio and hear our song, you know who its by. Reporter: Heard by a few is an understatement: people are hearing your music worldwide. How can a band who started off small in Knoxville, touch nearly the entire planet with your music? Lee: You always have to start small. Don't go off planning on conquering the universe right from the off. You'll never be able to manage that. We started our journey playing small gigs in town and then decided to go on a short tour round a couple of states. It seems that paid off. When Derek went on family vacation to Britain - we laughed when he said that (all the rain) - he met our band manager Haza. So then he became part of our crew and it went from good to amazing. He's got so many friends in everything: graphics, radio, TV...I think we lost count after he named the fiftieth. We got on POM Records and then got some tracks on our local radio. My parents nearly died of a heart attack when they heard my name. It took a bit of explaining... Reporter: I'm sure. To finish off, any plans that you know of for the future? Lee: I'm not sure if Mr Jones explained previously, but I just really don't think we'll manage the monthly release next time. Maybe we'll get a single out, but then we'd look like a band who don't value our music. That's just not true. We love our music! We want our fans to get something new all the time. But sometimes, it's just not possible. Cash just isn't something we have at the moment. Reporter: Thank you Lee, for the opportunity to interview. See you next time. GENRE: PUNK
The Night Before have had their struggles throughout their career, and all of them will be quick to admit it. Some believe that the band's sound just isn't what people want in modern music, but the band manager also pointed out, "What makes one band, ruins another. We are just trying to make ourselves look different." They have slightly moved into the "true" form of punk but still tried to regain their previous successes in recent months. Financial trouble has hampered them partially but they still stumble on, to produce this new album.
Reporter: Thank you for accepting our invitation Mr Jones. We very much appreciate it. So, lets get the ball rolling quickly with your band's new album. What can we expect to see? Mr. Jones: As I'm sure are aware, we released a small section of information to our fan base regarding the tracks and expected date of release. Of course, we did fail to gather the majority of information by the date in question so we decided to take our time in preparing it all for our fans. If your question was aimed at our music front, you can expect to see a very big change in how the band write their music. We have taken a couple of workshops for the 4 to..."re-inspire them" so to speak. I feel that it has worked very successfully as I hope you will agree. My boys really pushed the boat out for you, our fans, to get some good material for our monthly release. Even though they seem to be a little lack-luster now with their enthusiasm as they have been working 24/7 on this, I'm sure the effort that they put in will swiftly be rewarded. R: I'm sure all our readers and fans will be very much looking forward to this. You say The Night Before seem to have lost some of their enthusiasm for their music. Do you think they will struggle to fit in 4 more tracks for next month? J: Personally, I doubt it. They have been getting more and more involved with other bands out there who are very inspiring to them on a music and social point of view, as well as moving briefly into different styles of music to try and boost their own in musical knowledge. But, from an avid timekeeper's point of view, I do have my worries for next month financially and emotionally for the band. Of course, everyone has their off-weeks but in the modern day music business, that just simply isn't an option. There are bands like Faceless Culture who can produce stunning albums in less than a week. If we can try and boost our sales, we can eventually become like 1st Assault and Giant O' Mine, who can afford to leave at least 5 months gap between releases. Bands like ours, just cannot slow down without suffering in one way or another. R: Are you suffering from some sort of financial trouble then? J: At a first glance, no. But we have bills to pay for. The record label in advertising, graphic artists, studio costs...it all racks up to a sum that we simply cannot afford. The money's got to come from somewhere which is why I'm trying to encourage fans to look into some of the specialties we are nearly releasing on our website. R: Specialties? J: By that, I mean exclusive photography and videography. We should be releasing a booklet including some of our latest gig photos and quick snap shots of the guys practicing. If you want to pre-order these, you can always contact us on our website or on our social media. Reporter: Thank you very much Mr Jones for allowing us this time with you. We hope you good wishes in the future, as I'm sure all your fans do as well. "The band have been working on a new album [Fight Back] recently [...]. It should be of EP length but only time will tell and they are very preoccupied at the current moment anyway. One track that we are allowed to announce is "Charlotte's Revenge", a hit track that already has gained a lot of popularity in the community. We look forward to their next announcement." - The Night Before
For more information check out their website: http://thenightbefore.weebly.com/blog.html GENRE: PUNK1. Cut Through The Darkness The new single, Cut Through The Darkness, an experimentation of their new song writing. In essence of a lack of sales, they released this to encourage more members of the public to take notice of The Night Before. Apart from this, they also felt this would do well as a single on its own. In the future, they hope to release other albums with this theme, slightly diverting from their usual sound but their band manager refused to admit that they were completely changing their genre.
A Punk-o-Matic Community Project based off a Flash game by Evil Dog Games
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January 2025