Alec (guitarist): Thank you for having us! Yeah man it's been crazy. When we took our break in 2013 we always had the vision of coming back. Micah (bassist): We just didn't think it would be 10 years, haha! Alec: Right! We got together around mid 2021 to kinda just jam, I had started playing the main riff for [A Cure for the Ache] and Brian was like "What is that?". That ended up being the first song we wrote for "Five"[V] and it kinda just took off from there. Micah: Yeah. It was like a bomb had went off in the studio. Everyone had something to contribute and it was just gold. Alec: That's what happens when you take 8 years off *laughs*. Randy: What's it been like to grow as a band? I believe your first releases were about 12 years ago. How has song writing changed for you guys, if at all and tell us about the process making "V" and "iPledge". We also heard the band has been mentoring some other bands as well, such as another newly signed one to POM Records, League of Nations. I think that says a lot about how mature and experienced City X is now. Do you guys see yourself doing more of that? Micah: That's an Alec thing right there. Alec: Haha, yeah. I love helping people, especially with something we're so passionate about. League killed it with their EP and I can't wait to hear more from them... I mean yeah, we've definitely been around the block. With each album we're always trying to outdo ourselves. I think that's something every band tries to do. With us, however, we try not to stray too far from our roots. Every album has a theme, but sonically I think they're all pretty similar, they just evolve. I think iPledge is the biggest step forward we've taken so far and we can't wait to capitalize on that. We've been taking the last couple months to experiment with new sounds and better ways of recording. So far I think it's going great and it really allows us to stand out. Randy: You guys probably shocked a lot of people when the band's name showed up again all over the media and on the label. Is there any message to all the fans out there? And also, what's next for the band? What can fans continue to look forward to? Any tours? Micah: *Gestures* Buy the album! Buy the album! Alec: Haha! Yeah man, I'm pleased to announce we'll be joining Faceless Culture on their upcoming European tour! I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say yet in terms of special guests, but it's gonna be awesome. Micah: They show boobs on French TV so we can't wait for that. Alec: Can we get a fact check on that? *Laughs* As far as the future goes, we just re-released "The Show" so touring is going to keep us busy for the next few months. New music? We've got something small in the oven right now that we'll get cracking on once we get back from tour. We'd love to get working on a 6th album, maybe even have it out this year. Micah: Yeah, man. We love getting in the studio, especially now with Alec's home setup, so we can work on our own time. Alec: Definitely. We wanna thank everyone that's been supporting us over the years! We love each and every one of you and can't wait to share more memories in the future. *Lifts beer* Here's to the next generation of POM Records! *Drinks* Totally not contracted to say that by the way *laughs*. Micah: Mr. Schultz is in the corner with a gun *laughs*. Thank you to City X members Alec & Micah for joining us tonight. It definitely wasn't a forced contractual obligation type of *sweating..*. Be sure to keep up with City X not just on here, at POM Records, but their Youtube channel too:
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