So, to those who don't know, my band is called Deduction Of A Miscalculation, it's existed since 2012 and the next album, entitled SKOD will be out sometime in March, and will be the 20th so far since the first one came in 2016. Most of my songs are in English, but I've done a few albums in Danish as well, and the new ones will be one of those. Here's the tracklist with translated titles: 1. Abraham (well, it's a name, that old guy from the bible) 2. Skod (Butt, as in a cigarette butt, commonly used in Denmark as a synonym for shitty) 3. Barnlig (Childish, but "lig" also means corpse, so it's a wordplay on childish/child-corpse) 4. Livret (Favorite Dish, literally life-dish, but "ret" also means right, as in human right, so it's a wordplay on favorite dish/life-right) 5. Bundtrawler (Bottom Trawler) 6. En Som (One Like, but again, a wordplay, as "ensom" means lonesome) 7. Lad Os Være (Let Us Be) 8. Stille (Quiet) 9. Næsten (Almost) 10. Spies Lige Brød Til (a danish saying meaning "take it easy and slow down before overreacting", I don't know how to translate it literally but simplified it's "eat some bread" - however, wordplay again, the word "Spies" is actually spelled "Spis" normally, and means "Eat", while "Spies" is the name of a danish historical figure who started a travelling company) 11. Så Kæmperne Må Uddø (So The Giants Must Go Extinct) 12. Når Jeg Er Væk (When I Am Gone) 13. Tæsk (Beating, as in getting a beating) 14. Anderledes (Different) 15. Syng Mit Navn (Sing My Name) Hidden track 16. Mortens Morgensang (Mortens Morning Song - Morten is a name, and this is a reworking of a traditional Danish folk song)
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